美国: the United States of America ...天天: every day; daily; day in,day ...酒店: wineshop; public house; tave ...the有顶天酒店: the uchoten hoteru海天酒店: donsen hotel蓝天酒店: century bluesky hotel; huanghuagang blue sky hotel有顶天酒店: hotel avavti; kuanghuan jiudian; the uchoten hoteru; the wow choten hotel青岛海天酒店: qingdao haitian hotel天天大酒店: fortunedayshotel美国天迈: tmi美国天使: american angel; angels in america美国天堂: an american rhapsody; the work and the glory: american zion北京空港蓝天酒店: beijing kong gang lan tian mansion内蒙古大天酒店: datian hotel深圳格兰云天酒店: grand skylight hotel沈阳三隆中天酒店: shenyang sanlongzhongtian hotel美国天成科技: telegent systems美国天文学会: american astronomical society美国天文学家: american astronomers福顺天天大酒店: fortune days hotel美国天然气公司: ang american natural gas company美国天然气协会: aga; american gas association; american natural gas association; amga; anga美国天然气学会: agi美国天然汽油协会: natural gasoline association of america美国天体方位表: blue azimuth table