美国人: American破坏: destroy; wreck; ruin公物: public property; assets的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...恶行: evil conduct故意破坏公物: willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property请勿破坏公物: do not deface public property足球迷小流氓破坏公物的行为: acts of vandalism committed by football hooligans对公物的大破坏: outbursts of vandalism神圣的恶行: divine deviltries程度轻的恶行: minor wrongdoing misdeed提防坏人破坏: guard against sabotage by bad elements防范坏人破坏捣乱: be on guard against bad elements making trouble and engaging in sabotage他不敢告诉我们他的恶行: he dare not tell us his evil conduct美国人: american people; american person; demographics of the united states; the american; yankee; yanqui公物: public property; assets 公物还家 return property where it belongs 恶行: devilmentdevilrydeviltryknaveryrascalityscoundrelism; evildoing; misdoing; vice美国的,美国人: amer american美国人;美国的: american破坏生物的: biolytic破坏作物的: anticrop不易被人破坏的照明装置: vandal-resistant light fittings违背宗教或道德原则的恶行: sin sin破坏公共秩序罪: order美国的;美国人(的): american