美国: the United States of America ...业余: sparetime; after-hours篮球: basketball协会: association; society; instit ...业余篮球协会: amalteur basketball assciation国际业余篮球协会: federation internationale de basketball amateur美国业余垒球协会: amateur saftball association of america; amateur softball association of america; amteur sotfball association of america; asa苏格兰业余篮球协会: abas; amateur basketball association of scotland; amateur basketbll asscition of scotland美国业余曲棍球协会: ahaus; amateur hockey association of the united states; amateur hokey association of the united states美国篮球协会: aba; american basketball association; baa; basketball association of america美国业余击剑协会: afa; amateur fencing association美国业余体育协会: aaaa; amateur athjetic association of america; amateur athletic association of america美国业余舞者协会: united states amateur dancers association美国业余游泳协会: amateur swimming association业余篮球联赛: cbo; lqba美国大陆篮球协会: continental basketball association美国国家篮球协会: national basketball association美国业余飞靶射击协会: amateur trapshooting association; ata美国业余划桨手协会: naao美国业余社交舞者协会: united states amateur ballroom dancers association篮球协会: baa; chinese taipei basketball association; fiba; nba美国大陆篮球协会球队: continental basketball association teams美国东部大学篮球协会: ecba国际业余篮求协会: fiba国际业余篮球联合会: fiba; international amateur basketball federation