美国: the United States of America ...冰: ice凌: invade; insult零售店: retail shop; retail store的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...店: shop; store名: time; times; days零售店的吸引力: retail gravitation开一家冰淇淋店: 103.run an icecream store; run an icecream store美国一家人: an american family冰淇凌: icecream伏林.伏德秋冰淇淋店 斜角巷中的店名。: florean fortescue's ice-cream parlour零售店: a retail shop; retail outlets; retail store; retail establishment美国一专售花生制品的食品商店名: almonds parlor美国一家超级市场的名字: stop shopp美国一家快餐店联号: bun and burger chain附属零售店: affiliated retailer酒类零售店: package store零售店经理: retail store manager爱国一家: all patriots belong to one family.; all patriots come together like one family.: 爱国一家, 爱国不分先后。 all patriots belong to one big family, whether they rally to the common cause early or late.; all patriots belong to one big family, whether they come forward early or late会员制零售店: costco wholesale吊死鬼酒吧 小汉果顿的店名。: hanged man美国一家拍卖行欲在网上拍卖萨达姆军装: web site offers saddam uniform for sale美国一记者: daniel pearl美国一览: markin porikroma