将: ask; appeal for对: answer; reply阿富汗: Afghanistan实施: put into effect; implement; ...进一步: go a step further; further; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...军事: military affairs打击: strike; attack; crack down; ...实施军事打击: launches military strike军事打击: limilitary strike; military strike进一步的: further再进一步的: farther进一步地;进一步的;促进: further阿富汗军事: military of afghanistan对阿富汗的呼吁: call upon afghanistan进一步的测试: tests further; tests, further进一步的发展: follow-on进一步的更多: further more进一步的目的: ulterior purpose进一步的误期: project delay进一步的信息: further information进一步的阅读: further reading进一步审讯, 进一步的审理: further hearing更进一步的阅读: further reading扩充的,进一步的 (预收款): advance