Directs the exchange fund s long - term strategic investment , with an 8020 ratio for bondsequities mix and an 8020 ratio for the us dollar bloc and other currencies ,外汇基金的资产分配于债券与股票的比例是80 : 20 ,美元区与其他货币的比例亦为80 : 20 。
美元: draw a salary of 800 dollars ...区: H region; H非美元区: nondollar非美元的 非美元区: nondollar货币区(如英镑区, 美元区等): monetary area欧元区: euro zone; european union; eurozone, die; the euro / euroland美元: american dollar; u.s. dollar; dols.: 欧洲美元 eurodollar◇美元贬值 u.s. dollar devaluation; 美元标记 (u.s.) dollar mark ($); 美元购买力 purchasing power of u.s. dollar; 美元区 dollar area; 美元外交 dollar diplomacy磁道单元区: track element欧元区硬币: coins of the eurozone数据码元区间: data bit interval工作单元区的分配: allocation of temporary storage欧元区中央银行: european central bank按美元: in dollar美元等: dollars美元腐: floating of the dollar美元化: dollarization; interest rates iberalization十美元: ten bucks; tenner使美元: devalue the dollar pound mark etc万美元: judicial watch一美元: buck; plunk亿美元: fdi; fy00赵美元: zhao meiyuan不变美元,定值美元: constant dollars美元短缺 美元短缺额: dollargap美元过多, 美元泛滥: dollar glut