美丽: beautiful平安: safe and sound; without mish ...夜: night; nighttime; evening平安夜: christmas eve; night caller; safe for the night; silent night; silent ningth; stille nacht哦,平安夜: o holy night平安夜 (歌曲): silent night (song)平安夜,圣善夜: silent night,holy night圣诞平安夜: christmas eve spells romance for couples in japan平安夜我真的不敢睡: christmas eve i just can't sleep姜丽平: li-ping jiang王丽平: liping wang; wang liping张丽平: li-ping zhang平安: safe and sound; without mishap; well 生活平安 live in quiet; 我送她平安回家。 i saw her safe home. 这船平安抵陆。 the ship came safe to land. 希望你平安归来。 i hope you will come back whole. 全家平安。 the whole family is well. 一路平安 ! have a good trip!; bon voyage!; 平安时期 halcyon days; 平安险 [商业] free of particular average (f.p.a.)早安夜晚: buongiorno, notte美丽: beautiful 美丽的花朵 beautiful flowers; 美丽富饶的国家 a beautiful and richly-endowed country; 观看一幅美丽的图画常使人心满意足。 looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 那是一个宁静美丽的夜晚。 it was a serenely beautiful night刘平安: ping-an liu平安堡: ping'anbu; ping'anpu平安报: aman平安城: ping'ancheng平安春: binh an xuan平安道: pyongan平安的: restful; scatheless; scot-free平安地: in a whole skin; in safety; restfully平安店: ping'andian平安费: well-pay