Examples of application in jiuweiqianghuo decoction 九味羌活汤的应用举隅
Treatment of 21 cases of leukoderma by quot; jiuwei qianghuo decoction quot 九味羌活汤治疗白癜风21例
Prof . li qing - wen in treating ophthalmopathy with qianghuoshengfeng decoction 李清文教授活用羌活胜风汤治疗眼病的经验
Clinical observation on 36 cases of post zoster neuralgia treated by jiuweiqianghe decoction 九味羌活汤加味治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛36例的临床观察
Now , have ascertained preliminarily that the mineral resource in boundary has tin , alluvial gold , lead , zinc , crystal stone , mica , reasonable stone and the kind of white marble , animal resource has wild ox and blue sheep , dian golden monkey , little panda and black bear etc . , medicine has yellow company and day flax with plant , fu ling , shellfish mother and ox night , qiang work 目前已初步探明境内矿物资源有锡、沙金、铅、锌、水晶石、云母、在理石、汉白玉类,动物资源有野牛、岩羊、滇金丝猴、小熊猫、黑熊等,药用植物有黄连、天麻、茯苓、贝母、牛夕、羌活。
羌: Qiang,an ancient nationality ...活: live川羌活: angelica羌活醇: notopterol羌活属: notopterygium羌活丸: notopterygii bolus柴胡羌活汤: bupleuri and notopterygii decoction大羌活汤: large notopterygii decoction定痛羌活汤: notopterygii decoction for stopping pain; ntopterygii decoction for stopping pain防风羌活汤: ledebouriellae and notopterygii decoction或宽叶羌活: notopterygium forbesii boiss九味羌活汤: notoptreygium decoction of nine ingredients九味羌活丸: notopterygii bolus of nine ingredients宽叶羌活: notopterygium forbesii羌活败毒汤: antiphlogistic notopterygii decoction羌活防风汤: notopterygii and ledebouriellae decoction羌活粉末: incised notoptetygium rhizome or root羌活附子汤: notopterygii and aconiti praeparatae decoction羌活黄芩汤: notopterygii and scutellariae decoction羌活生粉: nuphar pumilum root羌活胜风汤: notopterygii decoction for eliminating wind羌活胜湿汤: decoction of notopterygium for rheumatism羌活提取物: incised notoptetygium rhizome or root extract羌活退翳丸: notopterygii pill for cataract秦艽羌活汤: gentianae macrophyllae and notopterygii decoction