置换: displace; substitute; supers ...元素: element; elementary substanc ...可转换元素: fertile element替换元素: replacing elements能量交换元素: energy-exchange element元素置换: element substitution镧系元素置换的沸石: lanthanide-exchanged zeolite置换: displace; substitute; supersede; substitution; replacement; permutation; transposition; transposing; replacing; metathesis; displacement 置换出来 cement out; 锌置换了稀酸中的氢。 zinc displaces the hydrogen of dilute acids 变换元件: inverting element代换法;换元法: method of substitution换元;变量的换: change of variable换元公式: formula for integration by substitution换元积分法: integration by substitution交换元件: ase atm switching element atm切换元件: switchover element热交换元件: heat exchange element转换元件: converter; interface element元素: 1.(要素) element; elementary substance2.[数学] [化学] element 水是含有氢元素和氧元素的化合物。 water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen.; 元素表 list of elements; 元素分析 [分析化学] ultimate analysis; elementary analysis; elemental analysis; 元素符号 symbol of element; 元素周期表 periodic table [system] of elements; 元素周期律 periodic law 光电变换元件: components of photo-electric conversion; componentsofphoto-electricconversion记忆转换元件: memory translator hub可替换元件号: alternate p/n声光变换元件: acoustooptical cell数据转换元件: data handling component置换率;置换比: displacement ratio光影像转换元件: incoherent to coherent devices