罪犯: criminal; offender; culprit的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...罪犯的巢穴: haunt of criminals罪犯的处决: criminal execution罪犯的处理: treatment of prisoner罪犯的待遇: treatment of offenders罪犯的供词: prisoner statement罪犯的特征: characteristic of criminal1藏匿重罪犯的罪行: misprision of felony已决罪犯的监禁: prison of convicts罪犯的空中之旅: con air罪犯的头被砍去: the criminal's head was struck off人们追捕罪犯的呼唤: cry de pais隐匿叛国罪犯的罪行: misprision of treason赦免或减轻刑事罪犯的刑罚: to pardon persons convicted of criminal offences or commute their penalties罪犯的社会经济和文化权利: socio-economic and cultural rights罪犯: criminal; offender; culprit 罪犯的供词 prisoner statement; 罪犯的特征 characteristic of a criminal; 罪犯档案 a criminal's dossier; 少年罪犯 a juvenile offender对有条件判刑或有条件释放的外国罪犯的监督: supervisionofforeignoffenderswhohavebeenconditionallysentencedorconditionallyreleased从犯的: accessary; accessorial; accessory冒犯的: causing offense unpleasant; offe ive; offensive adj囚犯的: prisoner易犯的: liable定罪;罪犯: convict囚犯,罪犯: convict性罪犯: sexual offender