Too much space between licker in covers and feed plate 刺辊、罩板和送料板间隔距小。
Wider back plate to cylinder settings 后罩板到锡林的隔距宽。
It early board type that use on a large scale at industry most one of , have ripe design method and operate it experience 泡罩板是最早在工业上大规模应用的板型之一,有成熟的设计方法和操作经验。
Board type : steep and put on board , pieces of type steep and put on board , s type steep and put on board , flat to steeped and puts on the board 直径: 300400板型:泡罩板条型泡罩板s型泡罩板扁平泡罩板
These are the various kinds of packing for pliers . normally , we have three types of packing : skin packing , hanging packing , and blister packing 这些是钳子的各种包装。通常有三种:薄膜包装、挂式包装、罩板包装。