罗马尼亚: Romania全国: nationwide; countrywide; the ...妇女理事会: women's council主席: chairman罗马尼亚全国妇女理事会: national council of women of romania全国妇女理事会: national council of women of the u.s芬兰全国妇女理事会: national council of women of finland加纳全国妇女理事会: national council of ghana women新西兰全国妇女理事会: national council of women of new zealand罗马尼亚总工会中央理事会主席: chairman of the central council of the general trade union confederation ofromania全国天主教妇女理事会: national council of catholic women全国妇女和发展理事会: national council for women and development国际妇女理事会: icw; international council of women荷兰妇女理事会: netherlands council of women新加坡妇女理事会: singapore council of women理事会主席团: bureau of the governing council纳米比亚全国妇女组织: namibia national women's organization林福山(全国防止嗜毒理事会主席): lim hock san国际犹太妇女理事会: icjw; international council of jewish women罗马尼亚总工会中央理事会: central council of the general trade union confederation ofromania尼日利亚全国青年理事会: national youth council of nigeria全国农工联盟中央理事会执行委员会主席: chairman of the executive committee of the central council of the national agroindustrial union阿尔及利亚全国妇女联合会: national union of algerian women; unfa魏德海(公共交通理事会主席): gwee teck hai, eric全国妇女党: national woman's party