斯: this曼: a surname理工学院: college of science and engin ...豪曼理工学院: rose-hulman institute of technology洛斯胡曼理工学院: rose-hulman institute of technology terre haute罗斯-哈尔曼理工学院工业统计中心: rose-hulman institute of technology理工学院: college of science and engineering百年理工学院: centennial college of applied arts and technology博拉理工学院: birla institute of technology and science城市理工学院: city university of hong kong成都理工学院: chengdu university of technology帝国理工学院: imperial college london; imperial college of science and technology; imperial college of science, tech & medicine东华理工学院: east china institute of technology共和理工学院: republic polytechnic哈格理工学院: haaga institute polytechnic皇家理工学院: royal institute of technology霍尔理工学院: hall institute of technology基辅理工学院: kpi加州理工学院: cal tech; california institute of technology; caltech; carlifornia institute of technology加洲理工学院: california institute of technology凯斯理工学院: case institute of technology伦氏理工学院: rensselaer polytechnic institute洛桑理工学院: epfl lausanne; swiss federal institute of technology in lausanne麻省理工学院: [美国] massachusetts institute of technology (mit)麻州理工学院: massachusetts institute of technology sloan school of management