散: break up; disperse那: a surname人: human being; man; person; pe ...那人: that man; whosis氯罗散: chlorosan; phyllosan台盼罗散: tryparosan那人的: that man's伊那人: inahito复方曼陀罗散: pulvis stramonii compositus圭亚那人: Guyanese红色的那人: the red one科赫尼那人: the cohonina麦地那人: medinese印度支那人: indo-chinese北卡罗莱那人: tarheel不存在的那人: nowhere man那人那山那狗: nashan naren nagou; postmen in the mountains那人是个骗子: that man is a fraud那山那人那狗: moutain, people and dog; nashan naren nagou; postmen in the mountains那山那水那人: the world is our oyster印度支那人的: indo-chinese戴着大礼帽的那人: the man in the tohat但那人是你所以: but that was you拉断那人的袖子: to rithe man 's sleeve那人容易打交道: that man is easy to deal with