子: son威: power; might; strength杜子威: du ziwei笔罗子: stiffleaf meliosma fruit罗子波: ro-wavelet罗子沟: luozigou罗子山: luozi shan婆罗子: fruit of chinese horsechestnut时罗子: dillseed娑罗子: buckeye赤子威龙: letter to daddy; my father is a hero; the enforcer母子威龙: stop! or my mom will shoot蔓陀罗子: datura seed曼陀罗子: hindu datura seed or fruit; semen daturae; semen stramonii; stramonium seed毛驮伽罗子: mudgalaputra idem mahāmaudgalyāyana莳罗子, 莳罗实: dill seed娑罗子粉末: buckeye seed娑罗子生粉: horse chest nut powder娑罗子提取物: horse chest nut p.e; horsechestnutp.e中国电子威实总公司: china electronics weishi corp弗朗茨克内贝尔父子威斯特伐利亚两合公司: westfalia werke franz knoebel & soehne kg; westfalia-werke franz knoebel & soehne kg罗宗: rochom罗宗洛: luo zongluo罗宗南: luo zongnan罗宗蓬: rochom p'ngieng罗兹西帕洛娃: rozsypalova