Application and exploration of neural network control algorithm in mcgs 神经网络控制算法在工控软件中的应用研究
The realization of communication between the microcomputer and plc ( programmable logical controller ) as well as the neural network control algorithm in this system is emphasized 详细地说明了异步电动机定位系统中上位机与plc (可编程序控制器)之间通信问题的解决以及神经网络控制算法的实现。
Because its good robustness and independence on the model of plant of fuzzy control and good self - learning ability of neural network , gauss fuzzy network is presented 接着,利用模糊控制不依赖于对象模型、鲁棒性强的特点,神经网络有很好的学习能力等特点,提出了模糊高斯基函数神经网络控制算法。
This paper studies on the methods of traceing for both still and moving targets , and also focus on the study of pid algorithm , the fuzzy logic control algorithm , and the neural network control algorithm 本文研究了对静止目标的跟踪的方法,控制机器人跟踪目标的pid算法、学习算法、模糊控制算法和神经网络控制算法。
Among all of these control algorithms the neural network control algorithm is emphasized . finally , the parallel approach method with which the missile can trace the target is used in he robot ' s tracing for a moving target 其中着重研究了神经网络控制算法。最后,研究了机器人对运动目标的跟踪,把导弹跟踪目标的平行接近法引入到了机器人对运动目标的跟踪之中。
网络: network; electric network me ...控制算法: control algolithm表控制算法: table-driven algorithm控制算法: control algorithm流控制算法: flow control algorithm递归控制算法: recursive control algorithm递推控制算法: recursive control algorithm迭代控制算法: iterative control algorithm仿真控制算法: simulation control algorithm分散控制算法: decentralized control algorithm时序控制算法: sequential control algorithm循环控制算法: loop control algorithm拥挤控制算法: congestion control algorithm资源控制算法: resource control algorithm网络控制: nc network control; network control网络控制包: network control package网络控制层: network control layer网络控制点: nc network control point; ncnetwork control point; ncp: network control point; network control point网络控制块: ncb; network control block网络控制楼: grid control building, network control building网络控制器: nc network controller; nwc network controller网络控制室: network control center/network management center; network control room网络控制站: ncs network control station; net control station; network control station主网络控制: host network control并行性控制算法: concurrency control algorithm