

发音:   用"网构软件"造句
  • internetware
  • :    net
  • :    construct; form; compose
  • 软件:    software
  • 相联数据结构软件包:    associative data structure package
  • 软件:    [计算机] software◇软件包 (程序包) software package; 软件程序 software program; 软件跟踪方式 software trace mode; 软件工程 software engineering; 软件技术 software engineering; software monitor; 软件库 software library; 软件模型化 software modularity; 软件资源 software resource


  1. Li cx . research of integrated transportation platform based on internet ware theory [ ms . thesis ] . dalian : dalian university of technology , 2005 ( in chinese with english abstract )
    李程旭.基于网构软件理论的交通综合平台研究[硕士学位论文] .大连:大连理工大学, 2005
  2. Rm towards a unified formal model for supporting mechanisms of dynamic component update . the fifth joint meeting of the european software engineering conference and acm sigsoft symposium on the foundations of software engineering esec - fse 05 , lisbon , portugal , september 5 - 9 , 2005 , pp . 80 - 89


        :    net
        :    construct; form; compose
        软件:    software
        相联数据结构软件包:    associative data structure package
        软件:    [计算机] software◇软件包 (程序包) software package; 软件程序 software program; 软件跟踪方式 software trace mode; 软件工程 software engineering; 软件技术 software engineering; software monitor; 软件库 software library; 软件模型化 software modularity; 软件资源 software resource
        bittorrent软件:    bittorrent client
        internet软件:    internet works software
        linux软件:    linux software
        nt软件:    wps nt
        scsi软件:    scsi software
        附软件:    add-ons
        和软件:    it and software it
        接口 (软件):    interface (computer science)
        局软件:    office software
        库软件:    library software
        立软件:    koliworks software
        仁科(软件):    people soft
        软件(电算):    soft ware
        软件,3:    dmax
        软件版:    software area
        软件包:    canned software; mmx; package of software; packaged software; packager; software bundle; software kit; software packages
        软件部:    software subdivision
        软件狗:    dongles; rc-dl; softdog
        软件卡:    cartridge
        软件库:    debian contrib; dsl; software library


  1. "网格孢子"英文
  2. "网格穹隆"英文
  3. "网隔分隔板"英文
  4. "网工改性离子"英文
  5. "网工形成离子"英文
  6. "网购的三款面膜"英文
  7. "网鼓"英文
  8. "网谷"英文
  9. "网关"英文
  10. "网关,[台]网关器,[港]网闸,通讯闸"英文


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