缝: seam几: how many针: needle给……缝几针: give sb. a few stiches在衬衫上缝几针: put a few stitches in a shirt襻上几针: put in a few stitches脚上联了几针: had several stitches in his leg裂缝几何参数: fracture geometry parameter裂缝几何形状: fracture geometry裂缝几何形状模型: kgd; kz kz缝脊: fin缝迹延伸性: seaming stitch extension缝际: raphe缝迹密度: seaming stitch density缝际;种脊: raphe缝迹: seaming stitch seam stitch缝际背侧核: raphe dorsal nucleus缝花: applique缝际核: nuclei of raphe; nucleus of raphe缝后域: sutural area