绿色: green和平: peace国际: international; between natio ...国际绿色和平运动: greenpeace international绿色和平: greenpeace绿色和平运动: green peace movement; greenpeace绿色和平组织: green peace organization; greenpeace和平国际环境: peaceful international environment绿色和平基金会: greenpeace foundation绿色和平组织标志: greenpeace logo和平国际大酒店: international hotel of the peace中东和平国际中心: international centre for peace in the middle east基督和平国际天主教和平运动: pax christ international catholic peace movement教育促进和平国际专题讨论会: international symposium on education for peace召开中东和平国际会议支持委员会: supportcommitteetotheconveningofaninternationalconferenceonpeaceinthemiddleeast支持中东和平国际捐助者会议: international donors conference to support middle east peace平国际大酒店: international peace hotel绿色和红色船首灯: green and red bow light平国: hirakuni水平国际专业化: horizontal international specialization亚洲妇女和平国民基金: asia peace national fund for women各种柔和的绿色和蓝色: muted greens and blues哈尔滨太平国际机场: harbin taiping international airport国际和平: international peace国际和平局: international peace bureau; ipb