综框: heald frame板: board; plank; plate综框: harness frame; heald frames, hardnesses; heald shaft框板: deckle board绣框板: hooping board格框板条箱: crate柜子框板: cases using panel on frame框板总成: bezel assy木制框板: wooden frame压滤机框板: frame plate综框中部位置: mid position of heddle shafts框板型过滤机: plate-and-frame filter框板型压滤机: plate-and-frame filter press竖井木框板壁: cribbing导线系列 捆束 利用 装具 马具 综框: harness综括: sum up 综括起来 to sum up; to state succinctly; to summarize综掘机: roadheader综括起来: to state succinctly综晶体: syntectic综括一句: in a word综荐骨: synsacrum综览: bersicht gesamtanordnung overview/view/general plan综计: sum up; add up 该项计划综计有7个方面。 to sum up, the plan falls into seven categories