During the process of integrating these models , techniques of agent are adopted to monitor and control generalization user ' s operation 在集成使用这些算法的过程中,采用agent技术对用户的综合行为进行监控和控制。
The generalization system monitors user ' s operation and records user ' s action information to operation log library using agent techniques . computers can also judge the users whether they are operating correct or wrong basing on log library 介绍了agent模型,并采用agent技术对用户的所有综合行为进行纪录和监控,形成综合行为日志库,并能根据日志库进行一些简单的综合行为分析。
综合: synthesize行为: action; behaviour; conduct; ...复合行为: complex act附合行为: conforming behavior集合行为: collective behavior核酸混合行为: annealing behavior综合行动方案: comprehensive programme of action综合行动计划: comprehensive plan of action络合行为热效应: thermal effect of the coordination综合行政管理成本: g&a general and administrative costs; general and administrative costs (g&a)综合行政管理费: g&a general and administrative; general and administrative (g&a)宣言和综合行动计划: declaration and comprehensive plan of action综合行动计划督导委员会: comprehensive plan of action steering committee协助最不发达国家综合行动方案: comprehensive programme of action in favour of the least developed countries综合部行为量表: global ward behavior scale闭合行: close rows缝合行: of suture line世贸组织关于最不发达国家的全面和综合行: comprehensive and integrated wto plan of action for the least developed countries亚太经社会区域人力资源开发综合行动计划: integrated plan of action on human resources development for the esca region颞叶切除行为综合征: temporal lobectomy behavior syndrome颞叶切除行为综合征,克-布二氏综合征: temporal lobectomy behaviour syndrome闭合行程: closing stroke; closing travel复合行列式: compound determinant合作, 联合行动: join force with接合;联合行动: joint action