David riesman , a socialist in harvard university , believes that most americans casually take if for granted to make so - called slight errors 哈佛大学的社会学家戴维里斯曼认为:大多数美国人漫不经心的把犯点所谓的小错误当作是理所当然的。
Many other terrible weapons are described , quite matter of factly , in the mahabharata , but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the vrishis 在《摩诃婆罗多》里面,描述了其他很多毁灭性的武器,相当真实,但更可怕的是,对维里斯的使用。
4 he was reared under the eye of hadrian , who called him verissimus , as we have already related , 27 and did him the honour of enrolling him in the equestrian order when he was six years old and appointing him in his eighth year to the college of the salii 4他在哈德良的眼皮底下长大,我们先前说过,称他为维里斯姆( 27 ) ,而且在六岁时就封他为骑士,并在八岁时内任命他为萨利祭司。