Savigty vehemently attacked this suggestion . 萨维尼猛烈地抨击了这个建议。
Lavinia is going to get up a romance for catherine . 拉维尼娅要给凯瑟琳编织情网。
She has not told me that-and lavinia didn't deign . 她没有对我说起这件事,拉维尼亚也不哼一声。
He was extremely polite to lavinia, scrupulously, formally polite . 他对拉维尼娅彬彬有礼,简直到了谨慎小心、一本正经的地步。
When catherine was twenty years old, her aunt lavinia was still one of the most striking features of her immediate entourage . 到凯瑟琳长到二十岁时,这位拉维尼娅姑母依然是她贴身伴侣中最主要的角色。