

  • section forces


        维修:    keep in repair; service; mai ...
        养护:    maintain; conserve
        :    a row of people; line
        维修养护:    maintenance and repair
        预防性维修养护:    preventive maintenance
        开关汽车维修养护网:    sw
        修养:    1.(理论、知识、艺术等的一定水平) accomplishment; training; mastery 有文学修养 well cultured in literature; 有艺术修养 be artistically accomplished; 文化修养很高的人 a man of considerable culture2.(待人处事的态度) self-cultivation 修养精神 form one's mind; 他很有修养。 he is quite cultivated
        公路维修与养护:    highway maintenance
        维修费用养护费用:    upkecosts maintenance costs
        养护:    1.(保养护理) maintain; conserve 养护公路 maintain public highway; 设备养护 maintenance of equipment; 生物资源养护 conservation of living resources2.(保持混凝土湿润, 使水泥硬化) curing 湿蒸汽养护 wet steam curing; 混凝土养护 concrete curing; 养护性疏浚 maintenance dredging
        救护队:    ambulance corps; first-aid team; rescue brigade; rescue crew; rescue detail; rescue party; rescue squad
        道路建筑物维修, 线路桥隧养护:    maintenance of way and structures
        文化;修养:    culture
        修养篇:    rw; self-cultivation
        维修:    keep in (good) repair; service; maintain 维修良好 in good repair; 维修房屋 maintain houses and buildings; 维修汽车 service a car; 设备维修 maintenance of equipment; upkeep of equipment; 需要维修 need (putting into) repair; 电视机维修手册 a television servicing manual; 维修车间 maintenance shop; 维修成本 maintenance cost; 维修费 upkeep; maintenance cost; 维修工 maintenance worker; 维修手册 service manual
        保护队列区:    protected queue area
        保护队员:    covering player
        故乡维护队:    home town conservation corps; home-town conservation corps
        机场防护队:    airdrome defense corps
        救护队员:    draegerman
        矿山救护队:    helmet crew; mine rescue crew
        流动救护队:    mobile medical units
        青年维护队:    youth conservation corps
        外展医护队:    outreach health care team
        现场救护队:    field teams composition direction and communication with the trauma center


  1. "维修许可证"英文
  2. "维修训练"英文
  3. "维修压力计"英文
  4. "维修掩蔽部"英文
  5. "维修养护"英文
  6. "维修要求"英文
  7. "维修要求卡"英文
  8. "维修业务"英文
  9. "维修一台机器"英文
  10. "维修仪器"英文


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