She swallowed her anger and carried on . 她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。
Mr. pen again assented, and the conversation rolled on in this manner . 潘先生再度表示了同意,谈话就照这个样子继续进行下去。
As contraction continues and the density increases, the dust becomes so thick at the center of the cloud that it absorbs the far-infrared radiation . 当收缩过程继续进行下去,密度不断增大时,气尘云中心的尘埃就会变得极其浓密,因而能够吸收远红外辐射。
The only thing i can do now is ( to ) go on by myself 我现在唯一能做的就是靠自己继续进行下去。