继续: continue; go on; keep on; pr ...三年: triennium的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...持续三年的: triennial连续三年的丰收: bumper harvests for three consecutive/straight years三年的: triennial三年的服役期: hitch继续四年的: quadrennial继续一年的: yearlong继续了一年的: yearlong在三年的静默以后: osho gives discourses again after three years’silence企业被撤销未满三年的: that of an enterprise which has been dissolved for less than three years三年的资产负债表分析: three years balance sheet if available三年: triennium 三年不蜚, 蜚将冲天; 三年不鸣, 鸣将惊人。 if the birds have not flown for three years, they will soar into the clouds. if they have not sung for three years, their songs will take everyone by surprise三年的非经常项目及异常项目分析: analysis on non-frequent and abnormal activities of the last three years if available三年的经营及管理费用分析: analysis on operation and administration expenses of the last three years if available最近三年的财务预算及执行情况: financial budgets and performing status of the last three years if available昨日我们签了一项三年的合约: we signed a triennial contract yesterday年的: annual我想要获得园艺学硕士得需要三年的时间: i suppose i will have to study years to get the master's degree in gardening继续: 1.(延续下去) continue; go on (with); keep on; proceed 继续工作 continue working; 继续有效 remain valid; remain in force; 继续执政 continue in office; remain in power; 战斗继续到第二天凌晨。 the fighting went on till the small hours of the next morning. 敬请顾客继续惠顾。 solicit a continuance of customer's patronage.2.(跟某事有连续关系的另一事) continuation 中国革命是伟大的十月革命的继续。 the chinese revolution is a continuation of the great october revolution.; 继续成本 continuing cost; running cost; 继续年金 continuous annuity; 继续审计 continuous audit连续三次: ad 3 vic; ad tres vices续三王外记: zoku sannō gaiki继续,继续: on&on近三年: the past three years