Considering the statistical changes in spatial units and temporal indicators , gis - based spatio - temporal database is selected to manage multiple - year statistical datasets 考虑到统计项目与统计单元的变化,建立时空统计数据库能有效地管理和应用统计数据。
In addition to this honor , last season was a statistical success for fisher as he set or tied career highs in eleven categories including points in one game with 28 against the bulls 除了这些荣誉以外,上季费沙更在十一统计项目上,创出或保持了自己的职业新高,包括对公牛时个人独取廿八分。
And thirdly , it discusses the monitor system architecture of gn interface between gsns , and explains the offered statistic items of gn interface monitor system base on the characteristics of gtp protocol 接着,文章详细分析了gtp协议,及gprs支持节点间的信令配合过程。然后根据gtp协议的功能特点,提出gn接口监测系统的结构,提出系统应完成的监测统计项目。
The purpose of the research is to reveal the reasons and rules of tourism crime ' s occurrence , it can help the decision - making department to constitute reasonable laws and to construct integrated legal system about tourism industry . the research also help to scientifically mount statistical items about tourism and dispose safeguards economically in order to control the occurrence of crime . all in all , the research of tourism criminology greatly promotes the sustainable tourism development 旅游犯罪学科的研究旨在揭示旅游犯罪的形成原因与发生规律,有助于决策部门制订合理有效的旅游政策法规,构建科学完善的旅游法规体系;有助于科学地设置旅游统计项目;有助于经济地布局安全保障力量;有助于有效的预防和控制旅游犯罪的发生;有助于促进旅游地和旅游业的健康可持续发展。