统计: statistics; census; numerica ...出席人数: number of persons present; a ...出席;出席人数: attendance出席人数;出席: attendance出席人数: attendance到郴出席人数: attendance计算出席人数: count the number of people present出席人数的减少: a fall in the numbers attending计算出席人数, 计算到场人数: count the house出席人员: present members统计出表: dept欢迎和介绍出席人员: welcoming and introducing出席的人数没有超过二十: on the bed lay a beautiful girl出席: attend; be present 出席会议 attend a meeting; be present at a meeting; 出席人数 number of persons present; attendance; 出席宴会 be present at a banquet初步统计出来的民意调查结果: exit poll投票后统计出来的部分结果: exit election耶和华见证人的人数统计: demographics of jehovah's witnessesv人数: employees; initial jobless claims; number of people; numerical strength; population; strength设计出: hammer out; scheme out; work out a plan帮助;出席: a t不出席: nonattendance参加,出席: to attend出勤,出席: attendance出席,参加: attnd attend to, attendance; attndc attendance出席;出现: put in an appearance