

  • unified planning with due consideration for all concerned
  • 统筹兼顾:    take into consideration both ...
  • 全面:    overall; comprehensive; all- ...
  • 安排:    arrange; plan; fix up; make ...
  • 统筹兼顾,全面安排:    make overall plans and take all factors into considerationunified planning with due consideration for all concerned
  • 统筹兼顾适当安排:    overall planning and proper arrangement


        统筹兼顾:    take into consideration both ...
        全面:    overall; comprehensive; all- ...
        安排:    arrange; plan; fix up; make ...
        统筹兼顾,全面安排:    make overall plans and take all factors into considerationunified planning with due consideration for all concerned
        统筹兼顾适当安排:    overall planning and proper arrangement
        统筹兼顾:    take into consideration both needs of the state and the interests of the collectives; give overall consideration; make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall consideration; overall consideration and all-round arrangement; overall planning; overall planning and all-round consideration; plan jointly so as to take into consideration every aspect of a matter; take into consideration in the interests of all concerned; unified planning with due consideration for all parties concerned
        统筹兼顾城乡就业:    to make overall pla for urban and rural system; to make overall plans for urban and rural system
        更加注重搞好宏观调控,更加注重统筹兼顾:    pay more attention to exercising macro-control, balancing the interests of all parties
        资源的全面安排:    overall disposition of resources
        顾全面子:    save one's face; be mindful of the need for respectability; keep up appearances as sth. important; save appearances
        顾全面子的:    face-saving
        版面安排:    of a printed sheet layout makeup
        统筹安排:    make overall arrangements; give overall consideration
        全面安全防护:    dse
        全面安全服务:    gss general secure service
        全面安全协议:    comprehensive security agreement
        顾全:    show consideration for and take care to preserve 顾全名誉 take into consideration one's reputation
        zonealarm 全面安全防护:    zonealarm comprehensive protection
        瞻前顾后,统筹安排:    all factors taken into consideration in making overall arrangementmake comprehensive plans and take all factors into consideration
        瞻前顾后统筹安排:    all factors taken into consideration in making overall arrangement
        兼顾:    give consideration to [take account of] two or more things 公私兼顾 give consideration to both public and private interests; 兼顾长远利益和当前利益 take into account both long-term and immediate interests; 兼顾需要和可能 match needs with possibilities; 发展生产和改善人民生活二者必须兼顾。 consideration must be given to both the development of production and the improvement of the people's livelihood
        全面解决安排:    arrangements for a general settlement
        全面安装的喷水灭火系统:    complete sprinkler system
        统筹:    plan as a whole 统筹职工养老金 pool retirement pensions for workers
        全面安全服务应用程序接口:    gss-api general secure service application program interface


  1. "统筹机构"英文
  2. "统筹记分板"英文
  3. "统筹兼顾"英文
  4. "统筹兼顾,全面安排"英文
  5. "统筹兼顾城乡就业"英文
  6. "统筹兼顾适当安排"英文
  7. "统筹全局"英文
  8. "统筹人"英文
  9. "统筹社会保险基金"英文
  10. "统筹委员"英文


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