统一: unify; unite; integrate的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...一,唯一的,统一的: uni不统一的: inconsistent前后统一的: consistent实体,统一的,权益: entity统一的,一致的: uniform统一的波段: unified band统一的德国: unified germany统一的方法: unified method统一的方向: unity of direction统一的工作: uniform practices统一的期望: contemplate on the harmonization统一的意见: consensus of opinion统一的整体: integrated whole an完全统一的: monolithic统一的累进税: consolidated progressive tax统一的收款法: uniform receipt method统一的,一致的,相同的: uniform统一的波段设备: unified band equipment统一的电力系统: unified power system统一的多民族国家: a unified multi-ethnic country; vereinigter nationalittenstaat统一的个别品牌: company/individual brand统一的工资底数: unified base wages统一的工作流径: uniform flow of work