

  • safety factor of insulation
  • safetyfactorofinsulation
  • 绝缘:    insulation; isolation; insul ...
  • 可靠系数:    safety factor; confidence co ...
  • 可靠系数:    coefficient of reliability; confidence coefficient; reliability coefficient
  • 回动可靠系数:    safety factor for drop out; safety factor for dropout; safetyfactorfordropout
  • 始动可靠系数:    safety factor for pick up; safetyfactorforpickup


        绝缘:    insulation; isolation; insul ...
        可靠系数:    safety factor; confidence co ...
        可靠系数:    coefficient of reliability; confidence coefficient; reliability coefficient
        回动可靠系数:    safety factor for drop out; safety factor for dropout; safetyfactorfordropout
        始动可靠系数:    safety factor for pick up; safetyfactorforpickup
        吸持可靠系数:    safety factor for holding; safetyfactorforholding
        可靠系统:    reliable system
        高度可靠系统:    fail safe system; fail-safe system
        可靠性系数:    coefficient of reliability; reliability coefficient; reliability figure
        绝缘系数:    insulation coefficient
        可靠安全系数:    certain safety factor
        绝缘占空系数:    insulation space factor
        可靠性改善系数:    reliability improvement factor
        使用可靠性系数:    serviceability ratio
        相关系数的可靠性:    reliability of correlation coefficient
        形式间可靠性系数:    interform reliability coefficient
        停靠系统:    docking system
        可靠:    reliable; dependable; trustworthy 他的保证非常可靠。 his promise is as good as gold. 他的诺言不甚可靠。 there is little reliance to be placed on his promises. 她是一位可靠的伴侣。 she is a dependable companion.; 可靠程度 degree of reliability; 可靠储量 [采矿工程] assured mineral; blocked out ore; developed ore; developed reserves; measured ore; ore in sight; 可靠度 reliability; 可靠服务 unfailing service; 可靠来源 reliable sources; 可靠寿命 q-percentile life; 可靠投资 sound investment; 可靠系数 safety factor; confidence coefficient; 可靠消息 reliable information; 可靠帐户 reliable account; 可靠支票 good paper; 可靠质量水平 [工业管理] confidence level
        旁靠系泊系统:    side by side mooring system
        绝缘:    1.[电学] (隔断电流) insulation; isolation; insulate; isolate 请检查一下我屋子里电线的绝缘情况。 please examine the insulation of the electric wires in my house.2.(跟外界不发生接触) be cut off from; be isolated from 他们几乎完全与外界绝缘了。 they were almost completely cut off from the outside world.; 绝缘板 insulcrete; insulating board; insulation board; 绝缘包布 covering tape; 绝缘保护 insulation protection; 绝缘布 empire cloth; 绝缘材料 [电工] electrical insulating material; insulating material; insulant; insulation substance; 绝缘层 insulating barrier; insulating course; insulating layer; insulation layer; 绝缘带 insulated tape; 绝缘导线 insulated conductor; insulated wire; 绝缘垫圈 insulating washer; 绝缘电木 bakelite; 绝缘混凝土 [材料] insulating concrete; 绝缘击穿 insulation breakdown; rupture; spark-over; 绝缘胶带 [材料] electrical tape; insulating tape; 绝缘胶纸板 isolit; 绝缘漆 insulated paint; insulating varnish; insullac; 绝缘塑料 ambroin; 绝缘陶瓷 insulating ceramics; 绝缘套管 [电工] empire tube; insulating bush; insulating sleeve; spaghetti (tubing); 绝缘体 insulator; isolater; non-conductor; dielectric body; 绝缘涂层 insulation coating; 绝缘物质 megohmite insulant; 绝缘性能 insulating property; 绝缘纸 [造纸] insulating paper; dielectric paper; empire paper; feltless paper; insulated paper; insulation paper; felt paper
        可靠性;可靠度:    reliability
        系数:    [数学] coefficient; ratio; modulus; quotient; factor 安全系数 coefficient of safety; 光学系数 optical coefficient
        不可靠:    unsoundness; uncertain; unreliable 不可靠证据 flimsy evidence; 他的话不可靠。 no reliance is to be placed on his word. 在缺乏实际资料的情况下, 这样的数据不可靠。 in the absence of actual data no reliance can be placed on such figures
        可靠的:    allright; authentic; authoritativ; certain; confident; confiding; credible; dependa ble; dependable; fail safe; faithful; fast; faultfree; firm; good; positive; reassuring; rel reliable; reliant; respinsible; responsible; secure; surefire; tried; veracious
        可靠地:    reliably; responsibly; stably; stanchly; straight from the horse"s mouth; unfailingly


  1. "绝缘金属基片"英文
  2. "绝缘浸渍纸"英文
  3. "绝缘静材料"英文
  4. "绝缘距离"英文
  5. "绝缘卷材"英文
  6. "绝缘孔眼"英文
  7. "绝缘跨接导线"英文
  8. "绝缘跨接线"英文
  9. "绝缘块"英文
  10. "绝缘拉杆"英文


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