绝对: absolute血: blood染: dye的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...诅咒: curse; swear; damn该诅咒的: cussed诅咒的: execrative; execratory; imprecatory; maledictory该诅咒地: cursely血染的: ensanguined; sanguinolent被诅咒的: cursed被诅咒的人: anathema可诅咒的: damnable受诅咒的: frigging(含)血的;血染的: sanguinolent血染的风采: bloodstained glory血染的季节: a dry white season血染的烟花: blood and fireworks血染的摇篮: mother's boy血染的造物: the scarlet creation血染的争斗: bloodred conflict被诅咒的命运: (ill fated) ts; (ill fated) xm; (ill fated) yc受诅咒的匕首: cursed dagger遭诅咒的村庄: village of the damned诅咒的阿克姆: achmel the cursed诅咒的突刺刀: cursed main gush