

  • feeding canal
  • feedingcanal
  • 给水:    feedwater; water supply
  • :    channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...
  • 水沟:    gutterway; ditch; drain; gole; gaw; gool; [核物理] canal
  • 给水:    [机械工程] feedwater; water supply◇给水泵 feed pump; 给水量 confluent; 给水能力 capacity of water supply; 给水器 water feeder; 给水系统 water supply system; 给水箱 water supply tank; 给水站 water station; water supply station; 给水装置 waterworks
  • 排水沟;截水沟:    catch drain


        给水:    feedwater; water supply
        :    channel; ditch; gutter; tren ...
        水沟:    gutterway; ditch; drain; gole; gaw; gool; [核物理] canal
        给水:    [机械工程] feedwater; water supply◇给水泵 feed pump; 给水量 confluent; 给水能力 capacity of water supply; 给水器 water feeder; 给水系统 water supply system; 给水箱 water supply tank; 给水站 water station; water supply station; 给水装置 waterworks
        排水沟;截水沟:    catch drain
        保水沟:    trench pit
        边水沟:    gutter way
        潮水沟:    tidal water furrow
        抽水沟:    pump drain
        出水沟:    dell; excurrent canal; exhalant canal; exhalent canal
        导水沟:    conducting channel; guiding gutter; headrace cha el; headrace channel; pilot trench; pilottrench
        道水沟:    pilot trench
        滴水沟:    dribble
        放水沟:    gutter; relief ditch; surface ditch; take-off
        废水沟:    waste effluent flume; waste water channel
        分水沟:    diversion ditchh; water diversion ditch
        灌水沟:    corrugation; feed ditch; irrigation ditch; irrigation furrow
        黑水沟:    taiwan strait
        汇水沟:    catch basin
        集水沟:    catch ditch; catch drain; catch pit; catch work; collecting channel; collecting ditch; collecting drain; collecting gutter; collecting passage; collectingdrain; collection ditch; collector ditch; collector drain; gulley; sump gully
        截水沟:    berm; canal cut; catch drain; catchdrain; catchwater; crown ditch; cut-off drain; diversion ditch; intercepting channel/ ditch; intercepting channel/ditch; intercepting detch; intercepting ditch; intercepting drain; interception channel; interception ditch; interceptor drain; trap trench
        进水沟:    intake tunnel; tributary ditch
        流水沟:    effluent channel; gutterway; liushuigou
        排水沟:    drainage ditch; drain; watering; waterway; gutterway; outfall ditch; rhine; sough; dike; escape canal; aphodus; (海堤) delph◇排水沟疏浚机 ditch sweeper; 排水沟挖掘机 drain digger
        配水沟:    distribution gutter


  1. "给水工程;供水工程"英文
  2. "给水工程所取用的原水水体"英文
  3. "给水工程学"英文
  4. "给水供应"英文
  5. "给水供应系统"英文
  6. "给水管"英文
  7. "给水管, 送水管"英文
  8. "给水管材中的应用"英文
  9. "给水管道"英文
  10. "给水管理区"英文


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