给: supply; provide孩子: child的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...歌: song给孩子喂奶: give a baby the breast; give a child the breast给孩子洗澡: bath the baby献给孩子: to the children现在教给孩子的学科都过于深奥: the child is being taught subjects that are beyond his depth给孩子讲村史: tell the children about the history of the village给孩子们的信: letter given to children; ma lettre a mes enfants孩子的: childish; kids孩子们的歌: children's song把钱分给孩子们: give the money out to the children给孩子取个名儿: choose a name for a child给孩子取名的人的: sponsorial给孩子旋个苹果吃: peel an apple for the child给孩子焐一焐手: warm the child's hands如何给孩子讲故事: how to tell children stories我得给孩子做饭: i have to cook for my child写给孩子们的信: letter to my students给聋子的歌: songs for the deaf孩子的e: ec0孩子的爱: a child's devotion孩子的保姆: nanny - a children's nurse孩子的逻辑: childhood logic