结: p-n junction硬壳: crusty; duricrust; encrustation; flinty crust; hard shell; hull; incrustation; nut; scale结硬疤: crust结硬块: air set lumps结硬皮: crusting长硬壳: incrust硬壳坝: shell dam硬壳蚌: hard shell clam硬壳层: duricrust硬壳虫: macroalgae硬壳蛋: hard shelled egg; hardshelledegg硬壳蛤: mercenaria mercenaria硬壳桂: cryptocarya chingii硬壳帽: hard hat硬壳式: monocoque硬壳蟹: hard crab硬壳性: hard-coatedness硬壳雪: film crust有硬壳: having a hardened covering encrusted烧结硬度: sinter hardness胸下结硬: distension; firmness and obstruciton of the lower chest; pain and rigidity in the upper abdomen包以硬壳的,具硬壳的: incrusted半硬壳结构: semi-monocoque construction覆以硬壳: incrust护身硬壳: loricae