结构: structure; composition; cons ...改革: reform地区: area; district; region产业结构改革地区: industrial restructuring area结构改革: structural reform工业结构改革: industrial restructuring经济结构改革: reform in economic structure农业结构改革: a restructuring reform in agriculture机构改革: institutional change; institutional reform; streamlining; institutional restructuring; institutionelle reform/organisationsreform f./reform f.der apparats; organization reformation钢铁工业结构改革研究专家小组: group of experts for the study on structural changes in the iron and steel industry通过市场的诱导进行结构改革: market-induced restructuring有色金属工业结构改革专家组会议: expert groumeeting on the restructuring of the non-ferrous metals industries机构改革部长: minister of reform institutions机构改革小组: organizational change team教务架构改革: academic restructuring推进机构改革: restructure government institutions县乡机构改革: reforms of county and townshigovernment institutions; reforms of county and township government institutions行政机构改革: reform f.der verwaltungsstruktur政府机构改革: restructuring of government administration改组,结构改造: restructuring结构改变: structural change; structural modification结构改进: improvement of breed; institutional advancement; structural development结构改造: reorganization地方政府机构改革: restructure of local government institutions加快乡镇机构改革: speed up restructuring of town and township government; speed urestructuring of town and townshigovernment