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  1. The degree of crystallinity can be increased by annealing in an inert atmosphere .
  2. Likewise, diffusion-controlled processes such as gas permeability are all dependent, to some extent, on molecular orientation and crystallinity .
  3. Notched bar tests - determination of crystallinity
  4. Intercalation complex is highly crystallized with single crystal phase
  5. The crystallinity of azo thin films became better after annealing treatment


        结晶:    crystallize
        :    surmise; estimate
        结晶度;结晶性:    crystallinity
        结晶性;结晶度:    crystallinity
        光结晶度:    x ray crystallinity
        结晶度程度:    degree of crystallinity
        结晶度系数:    crystallinity factor
        结晶度指数:    crystallinity index
        绝对结晶度:    absolute crystallinity
        跨晶结晶度:    transcrystallinity
        密度结晶度:    density crystallinity
        容积结晶度:    volume crystallinity
        重份结晶度:    weight fraction crystallinity
        纤维素结晶度:    cellulose crystallity
        限制生长结晶度:    confined-growth crystallinity
        库布勒氏伊利石结晶度指数:    ci
        共晶度:    carbon saturation degree
        结晶:    1.(析出晶体) crystallize2.(晶体) crystal 盐结晶 salt crystals3.(成果) crystallization; fruit; product; quintessence; kristallization; valuable results; vegetate 劳动的结晶 the fruit of labor; 知识的结晶 quintessence of knowledge; 智慧的结晶 a crystallization of wisdom; 结晶玻璃 glass ceramics; 结晶槽 crystallization tank; 结晶层 crystallizing layer; 结晶度 crystallinity; degree of crystallization; 结晶断面 [化学] crystalline fracture; 结晶固体 [化学] crystalline solid; 结晶核 nuclei of crystallization; nucleus of crystallization; 结晶化学 crystal chemistry; 结晶基底 crystalline basement; 结晶剂 crystallizing agent; 结晶结构 crystal structure; 结晶净化 purging by crystallization; 结晶器件 crystallizer; 结晶盘 crystallizer pan; 结晶器 crystallizer; 结晶水 water of crystallization; crystal water; 结晶速度 crystallization rate; crystallization velocity; crystalline growth velocity; 结晶体 acicula; aciculas; 结晶温度 crystallization temperature; 结晶学 crystallography; 结晶岩石 crystalline rock; 结晶窑 crystallization kilns; 结晶釉 crystal glaze; 结晶作用 crystallization
        结晶锅,结晶盘:    crystallizing pan
        结晶器, 结晶盘:    crystallizer pan
        reinke结晶:    crystals of reinke
        (促使)结晶:    grain growing
        半结晶:    hypocrystalline
        不结晶:    non-crystallizable
        粗结晶:    coarse crystallization; course crystallization; mecrocrystalline



  1. "结晶调节剂"英文
  2. "结晶定向"英文
  3. "结晶动力学"英文
  4. "结晶动力学参数"英文
  5. "结晶毒素"英文
  6. "结晶度;结晶性"英文
  7. "结晶度程度"英文
  8. "结晶度系数"英文
  9. "结晶度指数"英文
  10. "结晶段受体"英文


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