结婚: marry; get married; marry up纠察队: pickets纠察队: duty team; shore patrol罢工纠察队: picket防火纠察队: fire watch patrol team工人纠察队: worker's pickets; workers' pickets纠察队员: picket男女纠察队: london boots; london hearts宪兵纠察队: provost guard罢工纠察队员: strike picket海军岸上巡逻纠察队: shopat纠察: 1.(维持秩序) maintain order at a public gathering2.(维持秩序者) picket◇纠察队 pickets; 纠察线 picket line结婚: marry; get married; marry up 为金钱结婚 marry for money; 因爱情而同他结婚 marry him for love; 结婚草率懊恼多 marry in haste and have a lot of trouble; 他结婚很晚。 he married late in life.; 结婚登记 marriage registration; 结婚戒指 alliance ring; 结婚年龄 age for marriage; matrimonial age; 结婚证书[明] marriage certificate; marriage lines [licence]纠察长: master-at-arms纠察船: picket line纠察旗: guard flag纠察线: picket line纠察员: picketer纠察组: provost branch警察队: police勘察队: reconnaissance考察队: expedition team布置纠察: picket第二纠察线: secondary picketing防火纠察: fire watcher