结: p-n junction半: half跏趺: sit crosslegged坐: sit; be seated; take a seat跏趺坐: full-lotus posture跏趺: (盘腿而坐, 佛教徒的一种坐法) sit crosslegged趺坐: sit cross-legged趺坐,跌坐: cross-legged sitting趺同跗趺坐: sit cross legged胶结半径: consolidation radius双结半导体: double junction semiconductor同质结半导体: homojunction semiconductor渡越区结半导体: transition region junction结半导体激光器: p-n junction semiconductor laser pn结半道体激光器: p-n junction semi-conductor laserp_n双异质结半导体: double heterojunction semiconductor扩散结半导体探测器: diffused junction semiconductor detector同质结与异质结半导体二极管激光器: homojunction and heterojunction semiconductor diode laser结帮: pal结帮营私: band together to seek selfish interests; gang up to pursue selfish interests结边际效应: p-n junction edge effectp-n结伴走在生命的小路上: to walk this path with me until the end of time结边界: junction boundary结伴同行: go [travel] in company with sb结变容二极管: junction varactor结伴潜水: buddy diving