经验丰富: have rich experience; be ver ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...专业: specialized subject; special ...人士: personage; public figure经验丰富的: experienced; practical; practised; seasoned; veteran经验丰富的人: person with many years' experience经验丰富的船长: extra master; extramaster经验丰富的老水手: old salt经验丰富的冒险家: expert excrement expeditor经验丰富的贤者: sage经验丰富的老水手经验丰富的老水手: old salt经验丰富: a store oflearnlngexperiencee; experienced; to have a long history rich experience and reliable reputation经验丰富的名誉合伙人黄顺钢: sg huang经验丰富, 世故深: have been around a lot丰富的经验: extensive experience十年专业市场磨砺,项目运作经验丰富: six-year professional market and projects experiences非专业人士: lay persons专业人士: lay persons; professional person专业人士;专业人员: professional保健专业人士: health professional只对专业人士: only granted to specific operation积累了丰富的经验: have accumulated a wealth of experience有丰富的临床经验: have rich clinical experience勤劳致富的专业户: specialized households which have prospered through hard labour她强调自己经验丰富: she played up her experience