经济: economy中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...公营: public-owned; public-operate ...成分: composition; component part; ...(经济中的)非公有制成分: non-public sector of the economy过渡经济中的银行学: msc banking in transition economics零利率经济中的货币政策: monetary policy in a zero interest rate economy新兴经济中的金融服务: msc in financial services in emerging economics经济中心: economic center; economical centre在经济中: to generate profit妇女在经济中的作用工作队: working party on the role of women in the economy工业在整个国民经济中的比重: the proportion of industry in the national economy as a whole specific gravity公营经济: the public sector of the economypublic economy转轨经济中的市场治理结构的生成与演进: the creation and evolution of market governance in transitional economics私营成分,私营部门: private sector公营经济部门: public sector of the economy多功能经济中心: multi functional economic centre经济中心设想方案: economic core scenario经济中直觉作用: business instincts营成: eisei与贸易有关的公营企业: trade-related public enterprises公营: public-owned; public-operated; public◇公营经济 the public sector of the economy; public economy; 公营企业 public enterprise经济成分: economic component; economic sector; economical sector; sector of the economy多功能的,现代化的经济中心: modernes multifunktionales wirtschaftszentrum封闭经济中适度人口理论: theory of optimum population for a closed economy; theoryofoptimumpopulationforaclosedeconomy