经常: day-to-day; everyday; daily受: receive; accept压迫: oppress; repress的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...受压迫的人们: oppressed humanity受压迫的工人: downtrodden workers压迫的: oppressive被压迫的: oppressed groups/minorities被压迫的人民纷纷起来革命: the oppressed people are rising in revolution wave upon wave受虐待, 受压迫: groan under强迫的人: forcer紧缩或压迫的感觉: feeling of tightness压制性的, 压迫的, 沉重的: oppressive经常(或爱)看戏的人。: theater goer; theatre goer经常服用 lsd 的人。: acid-head经常看戏的人: theatregoer经常旅行的人: orang yg sering berwisata经常通信的人: a faithful correspondent ie one who writes regularly压迫人的人或集团: person or grouthat oppresses cruel or unjust ruler受压: in compression李常受: witness lee经常跟鸡见面的人: chicken visitor经常看电影的人: filmgoers经常去看赛马的人: race-goer