经: warp会计师: senior accountant; accountan ...证明: prove; testify; bear out的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...帐目: items of an account; account ...会计师证明的帐目: certified accounts经证明的帐目: certified accounts会计师证明的资产负债表: certified balance sheet经会计师证明的财务报表: certified financial statement会计师证明: testimonial by accountants会计师证明书: accountant's certificate以付款凭单核对证明的帐户: vouching account证明的: attestative; certified; probative; proved会计师: senior accountant; accountant; a chartered accountant; [美国] a certified public accountant; [旧时用语] private professional accountant◇会计师查帐报告 accountant's report; 会计师统一考试 uniform certified public accountant examination经审计的帐目: audited account未结算的帐目: an open account; open account未决算的帐目: open account有争议的帐目: account in dispute会计员,会计师: accountant附说明的帐单: descriptive bill按比例分配的帐目: apportionment account备存妥善的帐目: keeproper accounts查核甲方的帐目: audit the accounts of party各别产业的帐目: nbsp; separate estates account经查核纠正的帐目: audits