织物: textile; fabric; texture; et ...经纬: warp and weft latitude密度: density; thickness经纬密度: gage of cloth高纬密织物: high pick fabric; highpickfabric卷纬密度: pirn density毛束纬密度: rows per unit length亚麻织物经密: linen sett纬密: course per inch; picks per inch纺织物经纱上浆: textile warsizing针织物密度: stitch density织物密度: threads per unit length织物密度镜: cloth counter织物密度机织物: threads per unit length织物密度针织物: threads per unit length极限密度织物: jammed毛巾织物经纱上浆工艺改进: improvement of the warsizing for towel经纬: ching-wei liu; geographic coordinate system; latitude机织物密度的测定: textileswoven fabricsdetermination of number of threads per unit lengthngth; textiles--woven fabrics--determination of number of threads per unit length游动式织物密度镜: traveling counting glass; travelling counting glass织物密度测定器: microline counter光电织物密度分析器: photoelectric pick counter地毯纬密: carpet pick平均纬密: average pick动物经济学: economics of energy