Managing bacterial diseases depends mostly on host plant resistance , quarantine , sanitation , and cultural practices 管理植物细菌性病害主要依靠寄主植物抗性、检疫、田间卫生和栽培措施。
The antibiotic resistance crisis in medicine has been widely publicized and is recognized as a major threat to controlling human bacterial diseases and infections worldwide ( 19 , 20 ) 抗生素耐性在药学上造成的风险被媒介广为传播,被视为防治人类细菌性病害和控制病害在世界范围蔓延的主要威胁。
As is the case in human and veterinary medicine , the targets of antibiotic use on plants are pathogenic bacteria and other prokaryotic microbes ( e . g . , phytoplasmas ) 对近40种抗生素进行了防治植物病害的筛选,然而可用于商业化生产的不到10种。而且只有链霉素的用量显著。防治植物细菌性病害,链霉素的确是一颗银弹。