

发音:   用"细胞萎缩"造句


  1. It uses a combination of a photosensitizing agent silicon - pathalocyanine , pc4 and strong visible light . first of all , the photosensitive pc4 is loaded into the cancer cells . when the pc4 is exposed to bright light , it increases the production of no and other oxidative species such as oh and o2 inside the cells , which leads to cell apoptosis disintegration and even cell death
    首先,将光敏感性的pc4注入病人身体内,由于pc4染剂非常容易和不健康的细胞结合,这些不健康的细胞例如癌症细胞在结合pc4活化性染剂后且又曝露在亮光下时,细胞内一氧化氮no及其它氧化物如氢氧离子oh -或过氧离子o2 -在细胞内的产生量会增加,因而导至此不健康的细胞萎缩,甚至死亡2 。


        细胞:    cell; sytes; bioplast; cella ...
        萎缩:    wither; shrivel
        细胞萎缩的:    cataplastic
        淋巴细胞萎缩:    lymphocytophthisis
        细胞或组织萎缩的:    cataplastic
        萎缩:    1.(干枯) wither; shrivel 盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。 the summer heat withered up certain plants.2.(经济衰退) shrink; sag; contraction3.[医学] depauperate; analosis; atrophy; desiccation; stuntedness; atresia 肝萎缩 hepatatrophy; atrophy of the liver; 肌肉萎缩 amyotrophy; muscular atrophy
        小脑浦肯野细胞层状萎缩:    cerebellar purkinje cells lamellar atrophy
        sudeck萎缩:    sudeck's atrophy
        肠萎缩:    anenterotrophy
        齿萎缩:    odontatrophia
        肝萎缩:    hepatatrophia; hepatatrophy
        骨萎缩:    atrophia ossis; bone atrophy; osteanabrosis
        肌萎缩:    amyotrophia; amyotrophy; myatrophy; muscular atrophy; myophagism; myo-atrophy
        甲萎缩:    atrophia unguium; onychatrophia; onychatrophy
        口萎缩:    mouth atrophy
        眶萎缩:    atrophy of orbit; orbital atrophy
        面萎缩:    atrophia facialis; facial atrophy
        脑萎缩:    encephalanalosis; encephalatrophy
        脾萎缩:    atrophia spleen; splenatrophia; splenatrophy
        皮萎缩:    atrophia cutis; atrophic skin; atrophoderma
        舌萎缩:    atrophy of tongue; tongue atrophy
        肾萎缩:    atrophy kidney; atrophy of kidney; nephrarctia; renal atrophy
        使萎缩:    dwarf
        蹄萎缩:    contracted foot; contracted hoof
        退化,萎缩:    wither


  1. "细胞微电极"英文
  2. "细胞微管蛋白"英文
  3. "细胞微粒体"英文
  4. "细胞微生物学"英文
  5. "细胞维持液"英文
  6. "细胞萎缩的"英文
  7. "细胞温度"英文
  8. "细胞无限增殖化"英文
  9. "细胞无线电"英文
  10. "细胞物理学"英文


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