细: thin; slender划分: divide; partition; repartiti ...类型: type; mold; form; cut最大细划分值: maximum subdivisions levels最小细划分值: minimum subdivison levels最大细划分值;最大细分级别: maximum subdivisio levels; maximum subdivisions levels最小细划分值;最小细分级别: minimum subdivison levels卡方分类划分: partition of chi square成分类型: component type多部分类型: multipart types类型 学分类法: typological classification类型分类: classification type类型分类法: typological classification; uddi type taxonomy林分类型: stand type未分类型: undifferentiated type无法分类型: unclassified支分类型论: ramified theory of types; ramifiedtheoryoftypes经济类型的划分: classification of economic grouping成分类型, 分量类型: component type统一地层划分(或分类): universal stratigraphic classification排列与分类型: orderig and soring数据成分类型: data element type业务成分类型: scty service component type按产品类型分类: on a type of product basis并清晰地区分类型: ty pe