As group leader , you should take charge . 你身为组长,应当负起责任来。
The mission management team chief has just polled the 20 different launch c rew leaders . 航天飞机发射任务管理小组负责人分别征求了二十个发射组组长的意见。
He minuted the file to his c branch section head, who sent a suitable reply to portland, and the matter was put to rest . 他将此份案卷的内容摘报了C处里领导他的那个组长,由后者向波特兰作了适当的回复,于是这件事就被搁置在一旁了。
Tim , you ' re the group leader , you lead the discussion 你当组长,带领小组讨论。
班长, 组长: chief of party班组长: first-line manager; gaffer; leading hand大组长: wh-2; wy-2副组长: assistant foreman; contract associate section chief; deputy chief of branch领班,组长: foreman线组长: cpp-fischer小组长: chief of group; gang boss; group leader字组长: block length组长度: group length组组长: sepg leader搬运组长: head stevedore保安组组长: office-in-charge security section保健组组长: officer-in-charge health care section裁判组长: chief of umpires; chief umpire财务组组长: office-in-charge finance section测试组长: test lead场地组长: local group-leader出纳组长: chief of cashier创意组长: acd; creative group head; grouhead党小组长: the head of party group灯光组长: master electrician电工组长: electrical foremant分组长度: block length分组长度, 块长: block length组差: maximum length difference of belt set组长负责制: team leader responsible system
组长的法语:chef d’équipe responsable de groupe chef du groupe animateur de groupe组长的日语:ある仕事のために設けられたグループ?組(委員会,ワーキング?グループ)など小組織の長. 绿化小组组长/緑化作業班班長. 土改工作组组长/土地改革推進グループ組長.组长的韩语:[명사] 조장. 반장.组长的俄语:pinyin:zǔzhǎng 1) староста кружка; капитан команды 2) бригадир; звеньевой组长的阿拉伯语:رئيس فريق; رئيس مجموعة;