组织: organization; organized syst ...章程: solution; way章程;组织章程: co titution; constitution细则;组织章程: by-law法人组织章程:: thearticlesofa ociationofthelegalperson公司组织章程: articles of incorporation; company's memorandum; company′s memorandum组织章程大纲: memorandum of association组织章程细则: arrears of pay; arrears of revenue; articles of association组织章程;组织细则: articles of association公司的组织章程: articles amendment国际劳工组织章程: international labour organization's constitution国际贸易组织章程: charter for international trade organization军事法庭组织章程: codigo de organizacion de los tribunales militares组织章程;组织细则;组织章程细则: articles of a ociation; articles of association股份公司内部组织章程: statute of association国际刑警组织章程与规则: icpo-interpol constitution and general regulation联合国工业发展组织章程: constitution of the united nations industrial developmentorganization公司组织章程大纲及章程细则: memorandum and articles of association委员会的组织, 委员会的组织章程: constitution of a committee国际刑事警察组织章程与规则: icpo interpol: constitution and general regulations; icpo-interpol: constitution and general regulations联合国工业发展组织章程起草委员会: committee on the drafting of a constitution for the united nations industrial development organization联合国粮食及农业组织章程: constitution of food and agriculture organization of the unitednations亚洲太平洋地区电信组织章程: conctitution of the asian pacific telecommunity; conctitution of the asian-pacific telecommunity; konstitution f.der asiatischpazifischen telekomunikation公司章程;组织细则: articles of association; association组织大纲及章程: memorandum and articles of association