If the satellite has an elliptical orbit , the result is a spiral wave , a miniature version of the pinwheel pattern of our galaxy 如果卫星的轨道是椭圆的,就会产生螺旋波,就像是银河系纸风车形状的缩影。
Thus , the disciples accomplished in hours what would normally have taken days . by friday evening , the center was already adorned with many beautiful decorations , including hundreds of helium - filled balloons that floated like little guardian angels above poles that dotted the landscape . festive balloons also formed an arch above the center s gate and extended all the way to the meditation hall like a colorful rainbow . along with the balloons were hundreds of plants and flowers , as well as pinwheels that spun in the wind and sparkled with the sun s reflected light 到了傍晚时分,整个小中心已布置得美轮美奂:数百个汽球彷如小天使般,在柱子上迎风飘扬充满喜庆的彩球矗立在大门上方形成一道拱门,而且一路延伸至打坐大殿,宛若一道缤纷的彩虹此外,还有无数植物与鲜花妆点其间,伴随着在风中旋转的纸风车,闪烁着耀眼的光芒。